Smoke Wood

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Allan Jones

TVWBB Member
When using chunks of wood, 2"x3"x3", for long smoking periods do you still soak then in water and for how long?
Do you put all wood on at once at the beginning or spread it out over the cooking time
Hi Allan!

Follow Jim's advice and you won't go wrong. I experimented with soaking the chunks and agree with soaking is needed.

Also, you should only need smoke for the first few hours of the cook.

The only time I will ever add any chunks after starting is if I am doing a long cook...butt or brisket AND some ribs or chicken. I will add a few pieces when I put on the shorter cooked meats.

Have fun!!

You may also try burning down your chunks a little in a charcoal starter or seperate grill to knock out some of the moisture and heavy smoke. Once your chunks have burned down a little, shovel them in. You'll end up using a few more chunks this way but you'll get a much cleaner smoke flavor without the occassional "smokey" flavor...
I agree with Budman when using hickory, pecan and maybe oak, with fruitwoods and alder that may not be needed.
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