Smoke wood in LA area

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Hello all,
This is my first post, sorry if it is a FAQ but my searches only turned up mail order businesses. I just moved to the San Fernando valley in SoCal. I also just ordered a WSM after reading this web site (yes I used the amazon button here, chuckle). Anyway, is there a store or stores in the LA area that sells various flavors of wood chunks? I see hickory, mesqite, and even an Albertson's that sold apple, and pecan, CHIPS, but no chunks. Any pointers will be appreciated.


i just got my WSM delivered to me from amazon this past weekend. Just put it together. This baby sure is a beauty. Anyhow, Im sure there are other places around that i dont know of, but there is a BBQs Galore in West LA (i think its on Pico Street.) and they sell smoke wood chunks. I think they have your typical selection.. apple, cherry, mesq, hickory, alder, pecan and oak.

Any Home Depot or Wal-Mart has Hickory and Mesq. and relatively cheap too. $5 for a bag that will last you 4 long smokes.

Barbecues Galore has a nice variety of smoking woods. They have a few locations in or near the San Fernando Valley -- Tarzana, Studio City, Glendale and West L.A. Also, Walmart carries smoking woods. There's one in Van Nuys on the corner of Van Nuys and Roscoe I believe. They sometimes carry my favorite smoking wood -- chopped up Jack Daniels barrels.

Hope this helps,

Bill (in Sherman Oaks)
I use pellets, chips, and chunks in my WSM. When using chips or pellets I make a foil pouch and put either dry chip or pellets in and seal it. I poke a hole with a fork or toothpick in the pouch and place right on top of the hot coals. I do this right after the WSM is assembled,loaded and at the smoking temp I want. Some people wait a little longer, theory is the meat will accept more smoke deeper when it's a little warmer. I am very happy with all smoking agents, currently my favorite chip is the JD oak barrel chips. I also own a Traeger BBQ70 and it uses pellets for both heat and smoke. I can tell you pellets work real fine in it!
Wow, thanks for the replies folks. I will check these places out while I am waiting for my WSM.
Agree with the previous posts... I've found chunk smoke wood at Home Depot, Barbecues Galore, even OSH.
I went to Barbecues Galore today on Ventura Blvd and bought some apple and oak chunks. Thanks to all who responded. I will start my first smoke on Monday. Spare ribs... haven't decided whether to trim or not but am leaning toward trimming, er, um, can't remember which style is the skirtless style but if I trim thats it. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif This site is great!!!
Good luck with the cook on Monday. I'm also having a Memorial Day barbecue on Monday. There will be about 60 people from work at my house to eat all the things they've been hearing me talk about (Ribs, Brisket, Pulled Pork, Salmon, and Barbecued Chicken). It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I'm starting to panic about feeding that many people. Well, wish me luck.

Wow, Bill...

How are you going to handle 60 ppl with such a variety + sides ?
How many and what kind of cookers do you use ?
Do you cook something ahead ?

Let us now, maybe open a new topic as thats interesting for all.

Goos luck,

Don Marco
I have quite a few cookers that I've collected over the years. My plan is to do 4 pork butts on my WSM (first test of my bbq guru), 6 racks of spares on my BGE, 2 briskets on my Traeger, chicken parts on the Traeger when the briskets are done, and 2 salmon filets on my gas grill. The sauses I'll make in the kitchen and the sides and desert will be brought by the guests.

We'll see how it goes.

Good luck, Bill. Hopefully, one day soon I will be in your shoes. Panic and all /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
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