Smoke Wood Combustion Question


Jim Handley

New member
Yesterday I did some chicken with a couple of baseball size chunks of well aged oak for my smoke wood. Ran the WSM at 275 with top vent open and bottom vents cracked. Tore down the cooker this morning and noticed the oak was not consumed in the least but instead had completely carbonized. It looked exactly like hardwood lump charcoal, some nice lump charcoal.

Anyway I've never seen that before and wondered if anyone else had.

BTW, first post but I'm a long, LONG, time lurker and would like to thank the regular contributors and Chris for making this the wonderful resource that it is.
Hey Jim, I get it all the time. I could be completely off base on this but it's probably from the reduced air flow to the coals and the wood. The temps don't get hot enough to burn them up. I just throw them back on my next cook
I also get that everytime. If you bumb the bottom of the WSM to get some of the ash out during the cook mine will start burning again.
It's normal Jim. I don't have any left over because I open all the vents to 100% at the end of every cook and remove the water pan. This not only consumes any leftover charcoal and smokewood, but help cook off any crud in the smoker. Grates even come clean evey time with just a dry brushing.

