Smoke quantity 18" to 22"


Bryan West

New member
Hey I have been using a 22" WSM for more than year now and I like it with Turkeys but my briskets do not seem to get enough smoke on them. I use kingsford and hickory chunks and the Minion method. I spoke to Weber Saturday and they suggested that I run with the top vent only 3/4 open (to trap smoke?) I have always run top vents wide open. Does anybody have any experience creating a smokier cooking environment by running top vents 3/4 open on 22"?

Thinking about bringing the 18" out of retirement.


I have an 18, not a 22, and always run the top wide open. You want to be careful choking down the top vent, because you might get creosote- a nasty bitter byproduct of burning wood- building up on your meat. If you try closing the top vents a bit, be sure to test for creosote. To do that, hold a clear glass of ice water above the vent, where the smoke is coming out. If you get brown or black specs forming on the glass within a minute or so, that's creoste, and you need to open the top vent up.
Maybe it's your wood? To old and dry?
I use red oak on beef, hickory occasionally, but the smoke flavour really stands out when using the oak IMO

Bryan, I'm with Tim on this. Love to cook with oak. You want a smokier environment just add more wood chunks. I'd use hickory and even mesquite. Be forewarned some people don't care for the smell and taste of mesquite. I've used hickory I've stored in bins over 20 years ago and it still smokes fine. Maybe a little milder than newer wood but ok for my cooks
i use a 22 and have never had an 18..........I always leave the top vent wide open and have no trouble getting smoke on my meat.

i use blue K with the minion method and 3-4 fist size chunks of fruit wood generally on long cooks.

i would go with a different wood or inrease the wood you have.

good luck!
Also remember that beef does not absorb as much smoke as poultry. Try using more wood and for a longer duration. I like to put my brisket on right from the fridge. I rub it the night before and put even more rub on when I throw it on. IMO cold meat will get a better smoke ring.

