smoke and ribs during brisket cook


Rich S

TVWBB Member
Hi all,

Next week was going to cook a brisket primarily and wanted to all do some st louis ribs. Thinking that there is going to be some overlap cooking. Brisket in its final hours on the smoker while the ribs are starting.

Wanted to know what other people do about smoke when doing these together. Do you put more wood chunks in when you start the ribs? Would this oversmoke the brisket????
Yes just add more junks it shouldn't affect the brisket to much. Or if your worried don't add as much wood as normal when you start the brisket and then add what you want to do the ribs.
Are you going to be wrapping your brisket? If so nothing to worry about. If not I still don't think you have anything to worry about. I read somewhere that meat will stop taking on smoke flavor after it reaches an internal temp of approx 160. Finally I bet you would be surprised just how much smoke flavor is still coming out when you add the ribs. A simple test is to put your palm above the exhaust and then take a big whiff or your hand. There is a good chance it will have plenty of smoke flavor still going on. If not throw on a couple of chunks when you add the ribs.

