Ken Hendrix
New member
I have done a couple of cooks on my SMC 18 within the last week or so and have a question about the temperature differential between the top and bottom racks. Cook before last I had the whole top rack covered with 3 racks of ribs and chicken thighs. The remaining 5 or 6 thighs that wouldn’t fit on the top rack went on the bottom rack. During the course of this cook the bottom rack temperature was anywhere from 30 to almost 40 degrees less than the top rack as measured by my Guru controller and a separate temperature-monitoring device I borrowed from my neighbor. My last cook I had a 7.5 # butt on the top rack and nothing on the bottom rack. Just for grins I compared pit temps again between the two racks using the same two temperature monitoring devices. During this cook the bottom rack was only 10 – 12 degrees less than the top rack. Is it normal to have such a wide temperature differential between the top and bottom racks depending on how much food is on the top rack? This recent cook was my first time to use the bottom rack. I want to make sure I know what to expect should I decide to use the bottom rack again in the future. So far my experience makes me wonder if it is practical to use both racks if it is likely that the lower rack temperature is going to be significantly affected by how much food is on the top rack.