Smaller cuts of meat



New member
Hi all

Am learning about my WSM 14.5". One question I have is cooking times for smaller cuts if meat.

As I normally good for 2 adults, I bought the smaller WSM. I would also look to cook smaller cuts, such as 2-4lbs of brisket. More recipes call for up to 10lbs.

I would imagine that a smaller cut of meat will reach the required internal temperature quicker, but the fibres won't have had time to break down. Is there general advice to cook at a lower temp to prevent this, not worry about it, will the meat break down quicker etc?

Obviously I could buy a 10lb slab of meat, and I would have a very good go at eating it, but it isn't economical to do it that often.


Hello Paddy,

You are correct, a smaller cut of meat will cook faster than a larger cut. It's a simple matter of mass. Smaller mass = shorter cook time.

Should you worry about it? Generally no if we're talking about a piece of meat that is pretty lean to begin with. If we're talking about a piece with a lot of exterior fat, then yes. However, that exterior fat can easily be removed.

A 2-4lb brisket is probably going to be just the flat, and that can be very challenging to cook without drying it out. I often will resort to braising rather than straight smoking or grilling.


