Small Coffee Maker

Nespresso Vertuo (depending on which model machine you get) has different pods to make up to seven different sized drinks. From small (ristretto, single espresso) up to an 18 ounce carafe.

My wife loves it - quick simple yummy for when I’m not around to be the coffee maker. Perfect for when she has 6 am zoom calls. One button push and there’s coffee in 90 seconds or less. Tastes sooo much better than k cup coffee. No grinder needed.

Check it out. Probably a better fit for early morning at home use case rather than a packable road warrior scenario.
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All FAR more $$$ than I care to invest. Plus being tied to those little pods. If we only were doing a cup at a time I'd take my little Casabrews espresso machine and just brew up Americanos. But quite honestly it would not surprise me if the 5 cup machine may not be big enough for what I have planned :D Because I'll lay odds as soon as my son in law finds out I have an honest coffee machine, grinder and a scale in our room I'll lay odds I'll be needing to make 2 pots in a row :D
I get the love of a K-Cup machine. But, I don't feel that love.
Well, I tried the little machine once more today. I weighed out some beans both before and after grinding in the little Shardor grinder. 25 grams in 24.4 out. Not too bad. Then the interesting thing is I measure the accuracy of the water tank. Finding out a "true" 3 cups (15 fl oz) water was close only showing up as about 2.75 on the water scale of the tank. And even less on the indicator along the side of the brewer (more like 2.5). So no wonder I got such a "weak kneed" brew first time.
Today after careful measuring I got a surprisingly good cup. Still not quite as robust as what I pull from either OXO, or the Breville. But, this little machine only cost me $39 not $300.
What IDK is would it have been a little more robust had I used one of my really good grinders? Hard to say. But quite honestly knowing what I know now? I think the little machine is a "keeper" for what I need it for.
It sure brews hot though. Darn it brews hot. I think this is true of Cuisinart though. As my sister and my brother both use the Cuisinart and both make strikingly hot coffee. I'd say about 10-15 deg hotter than I am used to to in my OXOs or the Breville.
Although actual brewing temp on the Cuisinart is not as hot or as consistent as the other 3 machines. I think that is because the cheaper Cuisinart takes a while to "ramp up" to temp then over shoots it by a large amount to make up for not being hot enough at the start.
IDC, I'm not using this as an every day brewer. It's a fill in device for this trip or for if wife needs a really early brew
Well, I tried the little machine once more today. I weighed out some beans both before and after grinding in the little Shardor grinder. 25 grams in 24.4 out. Not too bad. Then the interesting thing is I measure the accuracy of the water tank. Finding out a "true" 3 cups (15 fl oz) water was close only showing up as about 2.75 on the water scale of the tank. And even less on the indicator along the side of the brewer (more like 2.5). So no wonder I got such a "weak kneed" brew first time.
Today after careful measuring I got a surprisingly good cup. Still not quite as robust as what I pull from either OXO, or the Breville. But, this little machine only cost me $39 not $300.
What IDK is would it have been a little more robust had I used one of my really good grinders? Hard to say. But quite honestly knowing what I know now? I think the little machine is a "keeper" for what I need it for.
It sure brews hot though. Darn it brews hot. I think this is true of Cuisinart though. As my sister and my brother both use the Cuisinart and both make strikingly hot coffee. I'd say about 10-15 deg hotter than I am used to to in my OXOs or the Breville.
Although actual brewing temp on the Cuisinart is not as hot or as consistent as the other 3 machines. I think that is because the cheaper Cuisinart takes a while to "ramp up" to temp then over shoots it by a large amount to make up for not being hot enough at the start.
IDC, I'm not using this as an every day brewer. It's a fill in device for this trip or for if wife needs a really early brew
Maybe experiment with a more robust coffee bean?
I don't usually drink drip coffee but I am fond of United Airlines drip coffee which they use Illy coffee beans. Pricy but it beats cheap diner coffee.
Maybe experiment with a more robust coffee bean?
I don't usually drink drip coffee but I am fond of United Airlines drip coffee which they use Illy coffee beans. Pricy but it beats cheap diner coffee.
I actually did more experimenting with it and I will say for a little $35 machine I really am pleased with it. We took it to the resort and the rest of the family was coming to our room :D I used it both with the permanent filter and also paper filters and it was doing a great job. Especially great considering I was using my cheap little Chinese burr grinder I got a long time back before the Breville and the KitchenAid ones I now use.
But I am looking into getting a Baratza grinder now.

