small brisket/ribs

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Hi. I'm going to be doing a brisket this weekend (it's small- just under 4lbs.) as well as several racks of baby backs. I'm wondering timewise, what would I allow for the brisket? I know from doing ribs that they will take around 5 hours. Should I put the brisket on the bottom grate and the ribs on top? as long as I'm here... one more question, I've got plenty of the BRITU rub to use on the ribs. Has anyone used this on brisket also? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Sounds like what you have is a brisket flat only. Hopefully, it's got a little fat cap left on it. Should take about the same amount of time as you are anticipating for the ribs, and the bottom grate would be fine-- let those ribs baste the flat.

As far as BRITU rub, I usually don't use rubs with sugar on beef. If you were able to lose-- or drastically reduce-- the sugars and halve the salt it would sound fine to me-- not that you could at this point, since it's already mixed.
Can a 4-lb flat really get up to proper temp in only 5 hours??? /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif Don't get me wrong - I'm not disputing that by any means, Doug. I've just always done 12-14 lb full packers and have never done a flat only, so am not familiar with the required times.

If I could get a flat up to 190 in 5 hours, I might start cooking something other than chicken or fish on the WSM during the week! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time
Maybe I should have said "in not much more time than the ribs". I could envision holding the ribs in foil in the Igloo? if the brisket wasn't finished, or alternatively, throw the brisket flat on an hour before the ribs. My last flat was 4.75 lbs, and took 6.5 hours at 240* measured at the grate. I pulled it at 180 to avoid dryness, and the result was fabulous.

Yes, very possible to do a brisket flat in 45 mins./lb.

The determining factor is the thickness.


Use this brisket as your first experiment and notice the thickness...then you will be able to start gauging your next ones more accurately for timing.
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