SlowSmoker In Sacramento



New member
Hello All.

Give you a few facts about myself as an introduction.

1. Live in Sacramento
2. Have a Weber Genesis for my quick applications and a Performance deluxe for my charcoal and slow smoking.
3. I grill everything I can from Romain lettuce for amazing handheld salads to a smoked blackberry pie that my family insists I make every Turkey Day.
4. I refuse to use lighter fluid and make my own starters from waxed paper egg cartons filled with a paper and grass slurry.
5. Every year I fish for Salmon in the SF bay and cold smoke them with a home-made extension that connects to my performance via a dryer duct to my Genesis.
and 6. If you have never slow roasted your own garlic with applewood and mesquite chips, you have never eaten at my house.

Thanks for having me and hope I can contribute a lot here in the future.
Welcome to the forum Randy. Sounds like you will fit in here very well. Tell us more about slow roasted garlic. Sounds really cool.
Welcome Randy. The slow roasted garlic does sound tempting. This is a great forum, lots of friendly knowledgeable folks on here.

