Slight Issue with new Premium Kettle 22


Mac LA

TVWBB Super Fan
I got tired of my Turbo gasser I've had for eons so I picked up a 22'' Weber Premium Kettle over the weekend and I must say quality is not what I thought.

The legs are very light and the lid is out of round (pretty noticeable). It has lots of play on one axis but not in the other, so I know it's more oval than round; should I return for a new one? Is this a big issue on a grill? I like my stuff to be perfect out of the box but not sure if I'm being to anal about this.

I'd take it back and get a new one if it's that out of round. I've had my Original Kettle Premium 22 for a little over a year now and have had no problems whatsoever. The legs lock in very securely and make for a stable platform. Out of curiosity, was there any visible damage to the box?
I'd take it back and get a new one if it's that out of round. I've had my Original Kettle Premium 22 for a little over a year now and have had no problems whatsoever. The legs lock in very securely and make for a stable platform. Out of curiosity, was there any visible damage to the box?

I saw 2 small divots in the box when putting it together but I didn't they were deep enough to cause any issues, might have been wrong on that.

Will Home Depot take back a used grill, is my next question?
Hopefully, if you clean it up first, so it's not real obvious it's been cooked on and you have a receipt they'll exchange it, since it's damaged and Home Depot can return it to Weber.
Call them, one cook shouldn't be a big issue, clean it up, take it back!
For the cost of these things, you deserve to have it right, Home Depot can absorb any"loss" on that.
Hopefully, if you clean it up first, so it's not real obvious it's been cooked on and you have a receipt they'll exchange it, since it's damaged and Home Depot can return it to Weber.

Yeah, hopefully I don't have a big issue. I mean, I'm just trying to exchange, not return.

Call them, one cook shouldn't be a big issue, clean it up, take it back!
For the cost of these things, you deserve to have it right, Home Depot can absorb any"loss" on that.

I emailed Weber on what I should do, but I'll try giving them a ring as well.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks fellas.
SO Weber is trying to send me a replacement lid. I'm thinking about just taking it and hoping it's the lid and not the lower section.
You could try putting the lid on the grill and rocking it, then turning the grill and rocking it again. If it still rocks in the same direction (with respect to the lid), the lid is out of round. If it rocks in the opposite direction (with respect to the lid), it is the bowl.

You could also trying hooking the end of a tape measure on the edge of the bowl and lid, and circling around both to see how the measurement changes.

If it is just the lid that is out and the bowl is fine with no other signs of damage, you're probably fine accepting the replacement lid.
I went ahead and rechecked the lid and it's definitely it. Went ahead and registered it and probably going to take the extra replacement lid. It will save me from having to disassemble, repack the thing and head back to hd..

Hoping this is it...
Hang on to that wobbly lid, too, if you have the space. You never know when it may come in handy for a UDS project or something like that.
Weber has stepped up to the plate for you by sending you a new lid.
To correct the our of roundness on your original lid, just flip it upside down, put one edge on your belly (wipe the edge clean first or you may get gunk on your shirt), grab the opposite side and squeeze it just enough to bring it back into shape. You won't hurt it a bit and it'll fit better. Keep it as a spare or like Chuck_S commented, use it on a future project.
Weber has stepped up to the plate for you by sending you a new lid.
To correct the our of roundness on your original lid, just flip it upside down, put one edge on your belly (wipe the edge clean first or you may get gunk on your shirt), grab the opposite side and squeeze it just enough to bring it back into shape. You won't hurt it a bit and it'll fit better. Keep it as a spare or like Chuck_S commented, use it on a future project.

Just put this baby together today and I had the same problem with the lid. It was slightly oval and did not sit flat on a flat surface. If I pressed the top it moves then sits flat.

I measured the diameter of the lid rim and it is clearly not round. Before going through the pain of getting a replacement I did what Drew suggested (before I had read this thread).

I found the narrowest diameter and with a had either side gently tugged it apart. Took a few attempts but now happy with the fit.

I wonder if they leave the factory like that, or it they get damaged during transit? Probably the latter because the packaging is only cardboard. There was a slight dent in the box which could account for the problem.
Also I wonder is they use thinner gauge steel these days, just like they do on cars. If only I had a micrometer!


Just a tiny ding and I suppose I should have refused the delivery, but overcome with excitement as usual.

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Hang on to that wobbly lid, too, if you have the space. You never know when it may come in handy for a UDS project or something like that.

Oh definitely! I'm sure I'll think up something, or get ideas from you all. lol

Weber has stepped up to the plate for you by sending you a new lid.
To correct the our of roundness on your original lid, just flip it upside down, put one edge on your belly (wipe the edge clean first or you may get gunk on your shirt), grab the opposite side and squeeze it just enough to bring it back into shape. You won't hurt it a bit and it'll fit better. Keep it as a spare or like Chuck_S commented, use it on a future project.

I'll try that tomorrow while I wait for the replacement lid to arrive. Going to do some sausage on her this weekend.

Just put this baby together today and I had the same problem with the lid. It was slightly oval and did not sit flat on a flat surface. If I pressed the top it moves then sits flat.

I measured the diameter of the lid rim and it is clearly not round. Before going through the pain of getting a replacement I did what Drew suggested (before I had read this thread).

I found the narrowest diameter and with a had either side gently tugged it apart. Took a few attempts but now happy with the fit.

I wonder if they leave the factory like that, or it they get damaged during transit? Probably the latter because the packaging is only cardboard. There was a slight dent in the box which could account for the problem.
Also I wonder is they use thinner gauge steel these days, just like they do on cars. If only I had a micrometer!


Just a tiny ding and I suppose I should have refused the delivery, but overcome with excitement as usual.


Not sure, but it does feel pretty thin to me. I haven't had my hands on a charcoal grill in a long time but I remember then being thicker and heavier.

My mistake was not fully inspecting the box at the store.
Just weighed the new Premium lid to compare it against my old Original. New one is about 7 ounces heavier but it does have a bigger handle and a thermometer on it.
I suspect there isn't really a material difference.

