Silver A control panel question



I just noticed this on my silver A and wondered if anyone has any info on it. The gas valves are straight up or at 12:00 in the off position as they should be. Move them to start or high everything is great nice flame grill gets hot. When I continue in the counter clockwise direction toward medium and low flame responds as it should, gets smaller. As you see in the picture the knob never goes to the low marking on the control panel, but the flame response from high to the spot you see is good and actually looks like a low setting. I took the valve apart to check it out the travel from stop to stop there would never be enough travel (270 degrees) for the knob to actually point at the low marking on the control panel. Is this just a misstep by Weber?? Feel pretty confident these are the original valves and like I mentioned the flame response to the control knob is very good. Just seems odd!


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I think your valves are working fine. Nothing to be concerned with.

I've noticed my newer silver control panels have a longer sweep angle than older ones. My 2000 silver B had less rotation, and a different control panel than a 2002.

Here are two examples of the older on the left and newer on the right.

That is interesting. I don't recall ever seeing that issue before on a Weber grill. I doubt it is some kind of malfunction if all three are doing the same thing. My guess would have been that someone swapped in some valves that were not native to that grill, but you state they the are likely original.
I hope someone else has an explanation.
That is interesting. I don't recall ever seeing that issue before on a Weber grill. I doubt it is some kind of malfunction if all three are doing the same thing. My guess would have been that someone swapped in some valves that were not native to that grill, but you state they the are likely original.
I hope someone else has an explanation.
Thanks for the responses Bruce and @DanHoo you jogged my little pea brain memory! I have a Silver A I've been cooking on until I rehab my Genesis 1000 and 4000 grills. Couple of years ago I picked up a Silver A from the side of the road that was slatted for the trash, shortly there after I bought another Silver A off FB marketplace. Somewhere during the rehab process I must have switched control panels (see attached picture). I just went out side and checked my Silver A and guess what? My control knobs rotate 270 degrees and goes way past the low setting mark on the control panel. The Silver A I'm using is newer, maybe 2003, 2004 the other Silver A was older 2000, 2001. It appears the valve travel is different between the different year models as DanHoo showed in his response to my post. Since the grill in question went to my nephew I will be able to swap the control panels back so that the knobs match the control panel settings. So the mystery is solved and I was the culprit!
Picture 1 newer Silver A with older Silver A control panel.
Picture 2 older Silver A with newer Silver A control panel.


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