Side Dishes


russell swift

TVWBB Super Fan
What do ya'll like to serve with your pulled pork or baby backs? I usually serve the traditional BBQ beans, cole slaw, potato salad, etc. Looking for something creative (but not too involved) and that would ideally pair with baby backs for this weekend. I don't mind throwing something in the smoker, such as corn or a casserole.
Grilled corn with chipotle-lime mayo, pecan-Vidalia rice, potato cakes, smoky-spicy black beans, pineapple or pineapple-mango salsa (goes great with pork and the pecan rice), smoked cabbage (good with the cakes or rice or corn), turnip or collard grrens, black pepper or thyme cat head biscuits, homemade mac and cheese, cuke-tomato salad.

A few thoughts.
I like mac n cheese. Everyone likes it and it can be pretty versatile at taking whatever you throw at it in terms of flavors. I like to stick to the basic mac n cheese. I like Martha Stewart's recipe. But you could add a bit of chipotle, bacon, different vegetables, the possibilities seem endless.
Yeah I was thinking of doing Mac and Cheese with the ribs....I have an old Southern Living recipe that I really enjoy! Thought about sticking a few ears of corn in the smoker.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by K Kruger:
turnip or collard greens </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now that's a classic. It's been a long time since I've had BBQ with those as sides.

Personally, I can't have BBQ without fries, but then again I'd eat fries with everything if my wife would let me.
Mac 'n Cheese works with just about any dish. I went to a BBQ restaurant in Phildelphia last month. BBQ was mediocre, but they had the best mac 'n cheese I've ever tasted. I'd go back just for a bowl of it and the jalapeno cornbread!

