Shoulders in a WSM ?



New member
just wondering if anyone has ever cooked whole shoulders in a WSM. I've got 2 of them to cook and was hoping they would both fit.May need to stand them up on the bottom rack ?
The shoulder is my cut of choice. Most will be 15# to 17#. I only , so far cook one at a time on the top rack . I like to place it between the handles so it will not touch the sides of the lid. If you can not get two on the top put one on the bottom with foil on the ends so it will not burn from the heat. I like to cook mine un trimed, skin side down, never turning.


thanks for the help ya'll i wasnt sure if the shoulders were going to fit they are rather large.

do you cook it the whole time unwrapped our do you do it like a butt and wrap it at 160 degrees?

