Shortage of cat food?

I believe it has something to do with the fact that cats are eating more these days, due to the stress of daily life. They're confronted with other cats stalking around their yards, cat parents who have COVID, shipping delays as Toonces the Driving Cat has retired. It's all rather complicated. Personally, I think it has something to do with aliens. all seriousness, I've seen it for months. Who knows why?
No cats here but two big dogs reside with us. A black lab and a golden retriever, husky, coyote mix.
If I can get their dry dog food now it costs $51.00 for a 30 lb. bag vs. $34.00 a year ago.
Now when Chewy has it in stock I order 90lbs of it and when I get down to about 45lbs. I order another 30-60lbs. depending on how long it takes to get back in stock.
I've been told that the cause is the manufactures can't get the ingredients to make it.
I also think a lot of people are doing the same as me, build a reserve which increases the demand.
Rich is on the money. BOTH cat and dog foods are in short supply. Our cats eat only certain brands and Chewy is frequently out. We now buy it from any vendor that has it in stock. Also the prices are up across the board. Royal Canin seems to be particularly hard hit. Our son has struggled to keep his Cockers on a regular diet.
I work in pet food mfg. Outbound shipments have been a problem (on a recent week, one facility had 80 no call/no shows on pick up appts).

Certain formulas do not always run as scheduled (for shortage of a certain raw/pkg/what have you) - but those gaps are filled and operations run at capacity. Which leads to an odd situation with too much inventory and simultaneously order fill % is not met.
Last time I bought Isabella food was on the 9th.
Stores seemed pretty well stocked then.
Could always go DIY dog or cat food. We've done that a few times. At least you know what your feeding your pets.
I did a search on-line and the most frequent reply was the reason for shortages of cat food (wet) was the shortage of aluminum coming from China for the cans. Some companies are shifting to plastic pouches. (but not fast enough).

Some sites give suggestions on what to cook for your cat.
Unfortunately, as fellow cat owners know, most cats are VERY picky. DH caters to our cats demands.:rolleyes: One of these days, if shortages continue, she is going to be up ..... creek.
I did a search on-line and the most frequent reply was the reason for shortages of cat food (wet) was the shortage of aluminum coming from China for the cans. Some companies are shifting to plastic pouches. (but not fast enough).

Some sites give suggestions on what to cook for your cat.
Unfortunately, as fellow cat owners know, most cats are VERY picky. DH caters to our cats demands.:rolleyes: One of these days, if shortages continue, she is going to be up ..... creek.
Abby our black lab has a very sensitive stomach the vet had her on a chicken and rice diet with some meds which stopped her from throwing up her meals. She is better but still having some occasional problems so we have to be very careful what we give her. I would keep her on the chicken and rice but there hasn't been any sales around here on chicken for about two months now, so that gets pretty pricy to do.
Abby our black lab has a very sensitive stomach the vet had her on a chicken and rice diet with some meds which stopped her from throwing up her meals. She is better but still having some occasional problems so we have to be very careful what we give her. I would keep her on the chicken and rice but there hasn't been any sales around here on chicken for about two months now, so that gets pretty pricy to do.
Rich, do you buy the chicken and rice all ready cooked or do you have to cook them for her?
Rich, do you buy the chicken and rice all ready cooked or do you have to cook them for her?
We cook the chicken ourselves. We were getting thighs for $.89-.99 Lb. now their $2.99 Lb. I use minute rice. She loves the chicken and rice, I mix a little salt free chicken broth in the rice so it isn't so dry. Dog eats better than us most of the time.

