Servo permanent spinning


Patrick Eggel

New member
Hi Community,

i have the next problem, after fixing my first with the fan.

My servo is permanent spinning and sometimes it will stay still when i manual set a specific percentage.
At 45-50% it stops, if its under this value it spins in one direction and above in the other direction.

I've bought a MG90S

Any ideas?
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Sorry to not have an answer but I just searched for this problem and your post came up.

I just built mine and have the same problem. MG90S servo as well.

Hoping someone can chime in.
Its been a really long time since i had to tinker with a servo, but, I will try to help.

There is a setting that may help, its called Pulse Duration. Its for Calibrating the Servo.

If memory serve me correctly, if the number is set to high, higher then what the servo expects, it will continually turn. It tries to get to that number and it can't, so it just goes around again. So, lower it down by half, and then see what it does, then half again, and watch. It will get to a point where it will move, but maybe not very much, let say half a turn and will stop. You then raise the number until it opens your damper 100%. Memory is a little hazy, but i think there is a lower number also. That number is your resting point or closed point. So you adjust that number until the damper just closes completely.

If you search for servo calibration you should be able to find more into.

Again this may or may not be your problem.

