Servo Debug


Ian M

New member
How do I manually activate the servo. I purchased the ROTO damper and the heater meter. I'm not trying to do anything fancy with the ROTO damper with extra probes, etc. Just need the servo to operate. I can manually control the fan it works fine. Appreciate the help.
First you have to calibrate the servo by setting the Servo Pulse Duration numbers in the HM config, here is a link to a post that details this process...
The SPD settings are what tells the servo how much to move, it sets the range of motion for the servo, be careful not to set SPD numbers that exceed the range of motion of your servo as detailed in the post linked above (every servo is different in the SPD numbers and range).
As for how to manually operate the servo, if your HM config has the setting "servo fully open at" 100%, the servo should rotate from the lower SPD number to the higher SPD number when the HM goes from 0% to 100%. If the servo does not move at all (and the SPD low and high numbers are not the same, which would cause it not to move) then check your servo wiring. The servo needs ground (brown wire) SERVO (orange wire) and +5VDC (red wire) to work. If it does not move then check continuity (with power off) from the wires you are using for gnd, servo, +5V to the pins on the CAT5 jack on the HM (the silk screen on the HM board will tell you what pin is what)
Post more details if you have done the above and are having problems making the servo move....
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