Serving Pulled Pork


Jim N

TVWBB Member
I know I've seen this toping before, but I can't seem to remember the answer. :-(

A good friend has asked me to cook up some pulled pork for his family picnic on Sunday. What is the "standard size" portion I should plan for each person assuming they plan to serve on the bun. Also, Can anyone guesstimate how much weight is lost from a butt in the cooking process. Ie, if I start with 10 lbs, how much should I expect to finish with?

Lastly, what is the going (catering) rate for pulled pork? Just curious... I don't plan to charge my buddy a thing but if his family likes the pork as much as mine, you never know how many requests might come out of it! :-)

Thanks in Advance
I figure the loss between the raw and finished weight for a bone-in butt to be about 40%.

When serving an average mix of men and women, serving size runs little less than 4 ounces per sandwich.

Using your 10# of raw meat as an example, it will cook down to about six pounds of finished product. From that, you’ll be able to serve 25 to 30 quarter-pound sandwiches.

As for price, I don’t actively pursue selling my pulled pork, but when I do, I charge $8 per pound.

Hope this helps.


