Select Brisket vs Choice



Seems like I am having a hard time finding Choice briskets, and have an easy time finding Select packer cuts. Is there a noticeable difference in taste quality in the finished product? Reason being, I did a select this past weekend, and it was great....but I would have bought a choice in 2 seconds if I saw one over it. I am pretty familiar with the grading diffferences, I am more interested in peoples actual taste preference of the finished product, and if anyone can tell the difference.
I hate select. Wont use it. If you spend all night cooking meat, it might as well be good meat. Select makes pretty good burger so it does have its place.

If you have had good luck with select, imagine how good choice would taste.
Sometimes I cannot getv whole choice packers.

I've found that 2 things help immensely with cooking select cuts.

1- I wet age the cut while in it's cryovac for roughly 2 weeks before cooking and/or freezing.

2- High temp cooking. I cook briskets at around 335-350 lid (wherever the wsm settles). There is not enough internal fat to cook low and slow IMO.

Ps- I have now done 6-7 whole packers this way, and every one was superior in it's final product than cooking low and slow.

Still, choice is better...but......
Craig thats why I posted this, I am hard pressed to find a choice packer, and settled for a select, and was very pleased with the results.

