Second attempt and better results!!!

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Jim Babek

If any of you remember my first attempt at smoking ribs you know the results were less than great. I finally got the patience to try again yesterday and the results were much much better.

First off I cooked up baby's purchased at BJ's. What a difference. These were real meaty, fresh just looked great out of the package.

Second, I used not only an instant read thermometer but also put an oven thermometer on the grate along with the ribs. So I was able to be sure the temp was right on. In doing this I realize that my temps last time had to be through the roof. I actually had to douse the coals with water several times to keep the temp between 200-250.

Third, I used alot less wood for smoke and this made a huge difference in the quality of flavor.

I used the same rub but changed the sauce at the end to the Bone Sucking Sauce...Now that is some good stuff.

One down side is that Im still using an ECB to get the job done, so therefore Im running outside to monitor the temp and keep it within range. Also, next time I will leave them on another half hour to 45 minutes.

All in all I feel much better and alot less discouraged on this attempt. Just wish I made two or three racks instead of just one. Im dying for more already.
That sounds great! If you get ribs dialed in using an ECB, when you get a WSM it'll be a cake walk. /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif Ribs have gotta be my favorite BBQ.

Using less smoke wood has taken me a long time to learn. I kept piling it on. Now I keep telling myself, "less is better".
I typically only use 2 fist-size chunks, or the equivalent, on all cooks except pork butts, where I use 4 to allow for the mass of meat that will not be directly exposed to smoke.
The cutting back on the wood is so hard for me. I see the smoke die down and am immediately going for the bag of I appease myself by throwing on the little tiny slivers that are floating around in the bag.
The process does not call for smoke being applied throughout the entire cook. Also, don't gauge the amount of smoke you are applying to the meat by the amount of smoke you see coming out the top vent. Some here would tell you that what you don't want is visible smoke, but rather just the wispy blue smoke from wood that has burned down some.
Man! That ECB has had some serious mods!! I think I'll stick to the WSM....needs fewer mods to create REAL GOOD BBQ. I can't remember where but I saw a 4 drawer file cabnet made into a smoker...if I remember it was better sealed than an ECB. Moving from my ECB to a WSM has been a night and day expierence.
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