Seasoning WSM

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Bruce Cook

I just got a WSM. After reading your suggestions and learning that it cooks about 50 degrees hotter because of the reflection from the porcelain. I was curious what you all might think of the idea of burning a couple of slow fires in it prior to cooking. Would this dull the finish enough that I could cook at a lower temperature for butts, briskets, etc.

Bruce Cook
to season your WSM, I suggest using a full ring of charcoal, filling the water pan with water, and cooking a couple chickens, or 5-6 racks of ribs, using the seasoning of your choice.

if you do this a couple of times, it will be ready to go.


really though, don't worry about it, it's not a big deal. you may want to try a couple chickens first even if you have experience just to get used to temp control, etc.
I'd read all about the 50 degree hotter new WSM syndrome - it didn't happen with mine first time out. I filled the ring (Kingsford), started with the Minion method, and smoked two butts for 10.5 hours, holding about 242 degrees at the top - with all three bottom and the top vent open for most the cook. I had to stir the coals once and the temp spiked to 270, but then it came back down. Wasn't cold or really windy either. I say smoke away and perhaps babysit it a bit more the first time out.

Smoke some butts and some chickens, maybe even a can of some spam (I use cheap canned hams and then make ham salad) a few times and you will be fine - oh, and don't let your wife scrub out the inside when done.

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