Seasoning wood - mold?

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TVWBB Member
Sorry if this is the wrong place for this item - not sure whether this fits into the Newbie category..

About a year ago, I had to chop down a grapefruit tree that was dead at my grandfather's place in Florida. Since I was just getting into Q at the time, I decided to hang onto some of it as I'd heard that the citrus trees' wood made for a nice mild smoking wood.

I cut the pieces into about 4" thick logs (about 8 inches in diameter), and brought them back. Since then, I've had them stacked in my garage to 'season'.

Inadvertently, a plastic bag fell over half the wood, and now it seems like there's some dark mold growing on them. Does this present a problem to smoking with them? Is there anything I can do (wash off) to get the mold out of there and smoke with the wood? Or is grapefruit not something I'd want to use in the first place?
I also collected some wood a while back, and set it in a box to dry, it developed some mold on some of the pieces, i just brushed it off and used it....yummy/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
I tasted nothing funny.

Thanks Jason - I'm gonna give it a shot and brush the pieces off with a wire brush, then give 'em a bath in some hot water. If I end up hallucinating as a result, I'll just consider it a fringe benefit /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
We cut down an orange tree in our back yard, and saved the wood. I've never had a mold problem in AZ, but I've got to tell you, when you smoke with citrus woods, it imparts a wonderful, sweet flavor. I've used it with chicken - YUMMY!
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