Seasoning Pork


Bob Hunter

A couple of weeks ago I smoked a couple of Prok butts and froze my left overs. With these left overs I have been making tacos. Basicaly I have a flat iron skillet that I put on my grill heat it up nice and hot, then I add a light layer of EVO and fry up the corn tortillas. Whe the tortillas are finished I take the left over pork and fry it up on the skillet with some chopped onion. Then when we eat we add cinlantro, onion and a squirt of lime juice.

These tacos are pretty good, but I am finding the pork to be a bit bland, no real "Mexican" flavor to it. Any suggestions on what I can do to liven the pork up?
Good suggestion by Jeff. Another option is simply some chili powder and cumin.
for pork I like varying amounts of garlic, cumin, garlic, rosemary and garlic.

A little Hungarian paprika can add a little heat as well.

Serve with fresh cilantro.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. For this weekend I went with a mixture of Ancho chili, Chipolte, and a dash of cummin. I also did the meat up with cilantro and onions. Came out pretty good.

I was worried about using too much chili peppers as my kids were partaking as well, but they enjoyed the tacos a lot.

Glad it worked, Bob. The homemade chili powder is the best. Lately, I've been making mine with Chipotle, Ancho, New Mexico and guajillo.
If you want to take it in a different direction and make Cuban-style tacos (which probably don't exist in the real world) try some Mojo on the pork before you heat it. The citrus-garlic-cumin flavors would work well in tacos.
I'm reminded of the America's Test Kitchen recipe for carnitas.


The flavor profile of those ingredients works really well with pork. Basically the same direction as Jon's Mojo suggestion. I would make up some of that sauce, boil it down, drizzle it over your pork and broil it like they did for a crispy finish.
reconstitute some whole dried chiles and grind them to a paste. Smear the paste over the butt before cooking.

Optional add ins: garlic, oregano, vinegar, clove

