Seasoning fesh cut hickory

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Rick Moore

TVWBB Super Fan
I have 2 hickory trees in my yard that I am considering cutting down - 2 reasons - 1 they are in the way of my new patio and 2 - gives me plenty of smoke wood!

How do you go about seasoning fresh cut wood? I have always bought my wood for smoking and burning in the fireplace. Anything special here? Can it be too dry? In other words, would it be best to cut one down now and use most of it before cutting down the second?

Thanks in advance for the help!


I think that I would just season it the same way that I would firewood--no real special care. Splitting will increase the seasoning process, and whether you split it or not, laying two pieces like "=" and then coming back on top crisscross the other way like "||" to form something like this--"#", leaving the center open, will let the air get around the wood and decrease the time it takes to season it. If you just stack it like cord wood, the old timers say that it will dry quicker if the ends are facing east and west--least-wise, lumber does.

Don't know if you can get it too dry, I just wouldn't cut down more than I could use before it rots--which it will start doing unless you store it in a covered area or stack it with good spacing for air circulation. If it can't get enough air to stay dry, mold and or bugs will get into it.


"Season to your taste--and may it be a public one."
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