Seasoning Cast Iron grates


Andy K

TVWBB Member
Forgive me if the topic is covered in a different area but I tried to search in this area and only came up with SS vs CI hits.

My question is, is there there a proper technique to season the heavy cast iron (CI) grates? I saw different things on you tube about the topic (specifically seasoning CI grill grates) but since people here are enthusiasts (I trust enthusiasts over somebody on youtube though that helps to see the process) I hope to learn some ideas that the community uses. Specifically about what type of oil to apply (EVOO/Canola or even crisco) and with what type of applicator (paper towel vs rag vs micro-fiber cloth), how best to heat the grates (oven vs grill) and how long to heat the grates.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts - Cheers!
My CI Grates were pretty much good to go. I just brushed them down with canola oil before and after each cook. Just use a natural bristle 2" paint brush. Let the gates get good and hot before putting on what's being cooked. 10 - 15 minutes.
Thanks Cliff! I hadn't thought of a natural paint brush- I got caught up with the ideas from you tube on wiping these down. I never really considered "seasoning" these like I see on there but figured there might be something to it. I've only had a CI skillet that I wipe down with oil but that's been my only experience with this stuff.
You'll love cooking on the CI Grates. They take a little getting used to. If there is a downside, they are difficult to use when doing a long indirect cook on the kettle, particularly doing a turkey or anything big. You don't have the little flaps in the grates to reload charcoal every hour or so. (At least not in the ones I'm using) It is difficult to accomplish this without disrupting your whole cook, by moving the bird, pulling grates etc. I just keep my old stock grates hanging in the garage for these cooks.
I recently picked up a set of the Weber cast iron gas grates and also wonder if they need seasoning since they are somehow made with porcelain. I didn't season my Weber charcoal insert either and it has held up fine, but like the OP, I'd like to see a consensus for what is done.
Really just get them hot to burn them off and wipe down than go ahead and cook. They will work fine

