TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
It's the best stuff going (that and POR15 product). Locally you can buy a cheaper not nearly as good but better than nothing product from Rustoleum. The cool thing about the Eastwood products is you can get a hose to get down inside the frame tubes (where the real issue is). They're a great company. They ship out really fast and products are top notch. Believe me you won't be sorry. It's messy though so either work on a surface you don't mind getting dirty permanently or a drop cloth and wear rubber gloves (take my word on this one). I used this stuff on my cars (especially an older Infiniti that had rust issues) and it stopped it in it's tracks. IMO don't worry about the stuff you're reading. I did no special prep (except degreasing where I could) and sprayed away on the frame areas, lower front fenders (internally) drilled into the wheel arches by the rear doors, and shot it in with the hose kit all the way into the fenders, into the rocker panels and lower doors. Worked like a champ. The two product(s) I recommend for this are the Rust Encapsulator and the Internal Frame product. Order the stuff and go to town. You won't be crying about your rusted out Summit like so many on here