Scored a Performer Platinum on CL - Deep Clean Time!

I gotta wave the BS flag! I've been scratching and clawing to find a performer in my area. Finally find a DO(2005). You scored 2 new ones in a week! And green on top of that! I think you need to surrender up the green one! Used once…unbelievable!
Congrats on the new addition - you might have to update the family pic. I have been checking CL every day you must be as well - I didnt see that CB performer or you were faster than me, again congrats - I have been looking for green OTG or MT myself.
After keeping an eye on CL for awhile now I finally pulled the trigger on an 11' performer platinum that needed a little TLC. It hadn't been abused but was quite dirty and the grills had been neglected. I could tell a good cleaning would do wonders for this little rig so I loaded it into the truck and headed home with my new toy.

Here are some before pics:




First I dumped out all the large debris then gave it a good soaking inside and out with oven cleaner. After soaking for about an hour I went after it with a razor blade which shaved off the top layers of grime but the hard sticky stuff was holding strong. I then re-soaked and re-scraped and was finally starting to make some progress. Thankfully I had also just replaced the grates on my black OTG so they were pilfered for this project :)

After - Good as new!:



Can't wait to fire it up!!

Nice find and great job!!
what did you get your new toys for $$$ wise?

I paid $200 for the Black one and $150 for the green.... not too shabby considering a new Performer here in canada costs $100 more than I paid for both!

The black one will more than likely be sold so I can fund my search for some vintage kettles. :cool:

