Santa Maria Rub?



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I finally found tri tip today. WooHoo! But searching the forums, I'm having trouble finding a recipe for a Santa Maria style rub. Can anyone point me to one? Thanks!
Hi Jim... I've been grilling tri-tips for over 35 years and tried different variations. But I always go back to the basic... sea salt,fresh ground black pepper and minced taste. Google "Santa Maria Tri-tip" for additional info.
good luck...joe
yep, the meat is just to good to really mess with. stick to salt and pepper. you can add mustard for a bit of crust. garlic powder or minced as mentioned and thats it.
Thanks guys. That's what I'm going with, along w/ a tad of parsley. I've found some recipes that call for a little chili powder. Is that frowned upon? Sorry, being from the right coast, you don't hear about Santa Maria rubs too much.
The beauty of a Tri Tip is that it doesn't need much enhancement. I do S&P and Garlic, Seared over a hot bed of Mesquite Lump, then indirect until done. Sometimes I'll do reverse sear, depends on the mood at the moment.

