Sand ?

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This may be a dumb question but I'll ask anyway

What kind of sand do you use? I mean, should I go to home Depot and buy a bag of sand or is there junk in that sand that may ruin/poison the food that is cooking?

I know that I buy special sand for my kid?s sandbox. Does it matter for cooking?

Sandbox sand is fine, as long as it's relatively clean, and hasn't been used by cats as a litterbox. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
I dunno, ever smoked a kitty deposit before? I hear EVERYTHING tastes better Q'd! (I realize this has gone far enough, but what kind of rub would you use, anyway?) /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Seriously though, this is a good question. Are there any types of sand out there one should avoid, such as one with a high powdered silica content? I know sand is just crushed rock, but as with the asbestos scare, could we inadvertantly be subjecting ourselves to potential problems?
I use sandbox sand, because I figure it's got to be non-toxic, or there'd be lawsuits /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif . You should cover it with foil anyway, to catch the grease.
Sandbox sand has got to be better than taking a shovel & pail to the beach...
I was serious when I asked this question. When I had my first kid I bought her a sandbox. I researched what kind of sand to put in the box. There was definite recommendations against using the type of sand used in construction. I eventually went to Toys R Us and got sand there. You have to figure that if sand is made to put in a sandbox it can?t be toxic in case a kid eats some.

The only problem is that Sandbox sand comes in 50 lb bags. Much more then we need to fill our water bowl.
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