Salty Injection question for brisket


Rich Paq

TVWBB Member
Ive come up with a brisket injection that I like the flavor of, but it is a little on the salty side. I was wondering would a salty brisket injection dry the meat out during the cook. I was thinking of injecting just before the meat hits the smoker as opposed to overnight in case the salt would draw out too much moisture.

Any thoughts??
Have you tried adding a little sugar to it to counter the salt? Also, it may not come out as salty as it tastes. may have to try it to find out.
I used it in a PSB and it was great. Im planning on smoking a brisket flat and just wondering if the saltyness will dry the meat out.
I don't add any additional salt to the injection besides what's already in some of the ingredients (broths) which are all low sodium.

