Salmon Smoke



TVWBB Member
I smoked a sockeye salmon yesterday and followed the dry brine procedure to a T, except I left the rub on for 4 hours instead of the 2-3 as listed in the recipe. Very salty. I had to make a sort of mayo/tarter sauce just to mellow it out. Ate some foiled potatoes with it as well. Just a warning to those considering it. Otherwise it tasted excellent.
Sometimes, with rubs or brines/cures, it helps to lightly scrub the surface of meats to help remove some of the saltiness. Just an FYI.

Try, washing off he cure (with water). Then dry w/ paper towels and let the salmon dry before smoking. When i do it that way, i have no issues with salty taste. I beleive Alton Brown, recommends the same process, but i think he uses fans to dry the salmon.
Matt, I did all of that. I noticed later in reading the recipe on this site that Jim Minion/Jack Rogers say the longer it is on the more salty it will get. My fault for not reading the original recipe first.

