Saffron in BBQ sauce?


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
After years of storage...I found an old friend-Joy of Cooking 1975. One of 5 bbq sauces had saffron. I have never cooked with it tho it is found in a favorite dish-Paella

Anybody have thoughts of saffron in bbq sauce?
IMO, saffron is too expensive to use in BBQ sauce. Also one would think you would have to use a boat load of it to get any flavor from it with all that's going on in BBQ sauce. I love the stuff, but save it for soups, chicken pot pie (PA Dutch style), poatoes, and other dishes that it can come through. Steve, Saffron is wonderful.
Bryan, your comment echos what I was thinking. Having never used saffron, I didn't have any experience to from which to make that conclusion. Thanks for your thoughts.
I'm with Bry on this. Good saffron is spendy. It goes in the ras el hanout I make, and it good there, but would be lost in a typical Q sauce. It might be possible to tweak a sauce sufficiently to allow for saffron, but I think it would be better used in a side that the Q could be served with or on--rice, e.g., or potatoes. White basmati with garlic, shallot and saffron, perhaps with a little diced ripe tomato stirred in at the end, would be a nice side for a few different Q'd meats or chicken.

