Safe to eat at 180?


Donny Anderson

TVWBB Super Fan
I have 50 people to feed pulled pork to in an hour. Is the pork safe to eat at 180 degrees? Will this affect the overall flavor of the pork?
Thanks for help.
From the USDA:

USDA Recommended Safe Minimum Internal Temperatures

Steaks & Roasts - 145 °F
Fish - 145 °F
Pork - 160 °F
Ground Beef - 160 °F
Egg Dishes - 160 °F
Chicken Breasts - 165 °F
Whole Poultry - 165 °F

You'll get varying views but I like to take pork butt to between 200 and 205º for pulled pork.
Donny, if you cook the pork to 180 degrees the issue will not be of safety. As Bill mentioned above, you can cook pork up to around 150 without risking your health.

Texture wise it will be different. More than likely at 180 degrees you will have sliced pork, not pulled. Temps. typically above 190 will give you pulled pork, however do not be dependent on the temperature but rather feel. One way I check if the pork is finished is by pulling on the bone. If it comes out pretty easily you know it's finished.

The temperature referred to is the temp reached during cooking - for pork you have to get it to 160 - if you take pork lion up to 160 (counting carryover) you will have something good but if you take butt only to 160 that meat will be TOUGH so we take it to 190 to 210 depending.

After the pulled pork is prepared, it should be heated above room temp but there is no need to take it back up to 160 its been there already - about 135 to 140 is enough hot, but not too hot

