Rusty Weber Fireplace Restoration?



TVWBB Member
Hey all, not sure if this belongs here but I just picked up an used Weber Fireplace on Craigslist for $50. I am super stoked! Its a bit rusty but in good condition overall. Just need some advice on how to restore it. I was planning on using a sanding sponge and Rustoleum's 2000 degree high heat paint. Is there a better/different way to do restore the firepit? All advice appreciated!
Probably would be better off posting in this section:

but I am sure you will find plenty of responses here.

I have never done one of those things, but those are porcelain coated steel, I beleive. I would try some good cleaner and #0000 steel wool. You might be surprised at how well they clean up. If there is rust, then you will have to sand those areas and repaint. Rustoleum High Heat Ultra is a great paint.
Is it the propane version or the wood burning one?
I just refreshed a wood burning one not long ago.

Is it the propane version or the wood burning one?
I just refreshed a wood burning one not long ago.

Kyle, thanks! This is exactly what I will be doing. Appreciate the details you posted.

