I just cleaned up a 1992 18.5" weber kettle (serial number O) last week with a $2 3" wire wheel from Harbor Freight. Bought the grill for $7, so it was worth experimenting on. The people always kept it in their basement, even though it looked like they never cleaned it, and the porcelain coating is in great shape. I just attached the wire wheel to a high speed drill and removed ALL rust from the grates and the bottom wire rack at the base of the legs. The rack on the legs looks brand new. Where there was no rust on the grill grates, it shined it back to a shiny chrome. Where there was rust before, there is no longer a chrome look, but the wire wheel shined it up nicely. Would rather cook on what it is now than a layer of rust. I even wire wheeled inside the lid and in the bottom where the charcoal sits and now the porcelain coating is gleaming. It has wood handles and after refinishing them with stain and polyurethane that I already had you would never know the grill is from 1992. The porcelain coating on these kettles is impressively tough. Not a scratch. Time will tell if moisture will cause the grill grates to re-rust, but so far so good.