Round 2


Ken McCrary

TVWBB Super Fan
Smoked a 9lb Butt last night and added a 6+lb beer butt chicken this afternoon. Dinner was pretty tasty. So since the butts came two to a cryovac pac and since I had everything set up, I just put another 9lb butt on. Mustard slathered and rubbed. If I can find some decent ribs tomorrow I might even throw a rack on the top grate. Butt is on the lower grate this time just in case. Ribs and the final round of the Masters on TV. Sounds like a plan.
13 hours in and looking pretty good. Smoker wanted to run in the 240's through the night vs 260's the night before...go figgure. Stirred the coals and added some lump about a hour ago. Now it's running a little warm at 270. Bear in mind this is measured at the lower grate. The meat is in the "Stall Zone" at 178. I don't seem to be getting as long a burn out of a full ring of Kingsford as I used to. I'm having to add fuel around 12 hours instead of 14 or 16 before. Anyone else noticing this? Also, what temp differences do you notice between lower grate, top grate, and lid?
I've never measured difference between lower grate and upper. I run low-and-slows between 235 and 260 at the lid depending on meat. Upper grate is usually 15-25 cooler. It's extremely rare that I add fuel but I run at lower temps.
Sounds like you're having a good weekend Ken! Getting ready to throw on some ribs and a brisket myself. I'll be watching Nascar and checking in on Tiger periodically. He's kickin some butt I hear.
Far be it from me to argue anything Kevin suggests. I think he's a master at what he does in the cooking arena.
But Kev, did you really mean that your upper grate is usually 15-25* cooler than your lower grate? Mine is just the opposite. Today for instance, I'll put the brisket on the bottom grate and maintain a temp at that level of about 225*. Doing so will insure that I'll have an upper grate reading of 240* or so for the ribs.

Upon re-read I realized Kevin was probably referring to the temp difference between the lid temp and top grate temp. Not the upper and lower grate temps.

Maybe he meant that the upper grate was 15 to 25 degrees lower than the lid temp measured from the dome ?
I broke out the foodsaver last night and froze 6 of the quart sized bags of pulled pork leftover from the weekend. I also had two containers of stew that I froze as well. I'm set for a while.

