Rotisserie suggestions needed


J Hoke

Looking for a rotisserie to use at home with whole chicken. Anyone have experience with the various ones and what has been your opinion of the unit?
and as Greg says - get the extra forks - you can then do different joints too - just remember to put the one that needs to come off first nearest the point (near the motor) :)
Thanks all, ordered.

Are the extra forks Weber, can't find a listing on Amazon or Weber site.
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I have the standard Weber also. I can do 2 chickens with just the single set of supplied forks.

If you need extra forks most any aftermarket forks will do. Amazon has them.
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It's actually quite handy to have a set of 2 prong forks and a set of 4 prong forks just for different applications.
I do two chickens often with just the single pair of prongs. One of my favorites.

Someone mentioned to stagger-position the birds so the rotis is better balanced. Good tip.
Besides chicken, turkey, and common roasts, I also like doing tri-tip on the rotis. I'm planning on doing another next weekend.


