Rotisserie on the new Genesis vs Silver B


Jeff Padell

I have a 2002 Silver B and use the rotisserie with a rib-o-lator, for ribs and chicken, I turn off the center burner and let the back and front burners go with their flavorisor bars. It gives a nice even cook.
The question I have is with all the new grills I see the propane burners run front to back, do you have to run all the burners and just turn them way down?

I don't anticipate getting a new grill in this lifetime, as I am 60 I figure I should get another 10-15 years out of this one.
Yeah, I wondered about that too. I have a 1999 Silver B with the east/west burners and just bought a 2009 E320 NG off of CL which has the E/W burners also, because I like that configuration for the roti.
I own an older Summit 450. It is basically the same configuration as a new style Genesis but with one extra burner. While it will do an OK job of roto it does not equal the performance of that nice "wall of heat" that surrounds the grill on the old style. That was just brought home again yesterday. My old Genesis II is as bro's house and he used it to spin up some leg of lamb. They were outstanding perfectly done across the length of both pieces thanks to that old arrangement. Weber bowed to the ones who could not figure out where to put the tools and IMO while still a wonderful product is not the product of the old especially in terms of versatility
Are there any current Weber gassers with the old E/W burner arrangement? I couldn't think of any.

I am half tempted to get another Genesis Silver a/b or c to just have an extra one. But since the parts are available for the B I have I think I will spend some time when it warms up here and rebuild it.

I did see one issue when I replaced the crossover yesterday, the back burner screw is stripped (the head) and stuck, once I get that out the rebuild will be easy.
There is no need to remove those screws. They will simply slide out. And yes there are no more models with the EW arrangement. Of course some models have a rear mounted IR burner. For the life of me I don't understand (especially at the price point it's in) Weber simply did not add a conventional burner to the rear of the Genesis models. Similar to the old Ducane grills or some of the modern products from OMC (Onward Mfg. Company) i.e. broil king, huntington, etc. which have models with a dedicated rotisserie burner. I have one of those old Ducane grills and that rear conventional burner is 'da bomb
I ues the roti on my Genesis EP 330. It has the the N-S burner configuration and I've never had a problem with heat distribution and using the rotisisare. I never had the old style weber with the E-W burners, so I can't compare it to that, but have absolutley no complaints and use the rotisisare quite a bit.
If you had a new style and old style side by side you would notice. As it is the new ones are fine grills but IMO Weber took a step back in the roto department. Not night and day but the old EW was just better suited
Just bought this one last week off CL It's a 2009 E320 it has E/W burners and I think 2010 was the last year of the E/W burners. My 1999 Silver is E/W and thats why I wanted another one the same way. Just like the way they cook, maybe not better but just used to it.


