Rotating/flipping butts

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John Bergan

TVWBB Member
I'm doing two butts tonight (9.7 and 9.6 lbs before some minor fat trimming)for tomorrow's football games (go Eagles!). At some point during the cooking, should I move the butt on the top grate to the bottom and vice versa? If so, when? About half way through the estimated cooking time?
Let’s see now….. 18 pounds of butt times a 40% loss factor still leaves about 10 pounds of finished pork. That sounds like about the right amount for snacking on while watching the game!

Since both butts are roughly the same size, swapping their positions a little after your projected halfway point would help even out their cooking times. Those are big butts, but they may also shrink enough in size toward the end of the cook to where they both could possibly set on the top grate if the lower one has some catching up to do.

Allow yourself plenty of time, relax, and have fun. You can wrap them and hold in a pre-heated cooler if they get done early.

Sounds like you’ve got a good plan. I’m on my way now to Sam’s to pick up a couple of butts for tomorrow’s overnight cook. Have a good weekend.

Thanks, Ken. I'm shooting for a 12-1 PM finish time (they went on at 7 PM EST) so I can have lunch with a few friends who are stopping by for a few hours, then have the leftovers for the games.

This is my first cold weather all nighter. Temps in the low 20s and winds 10-12 MPH.
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