Rinsing chicken in vinegar bath

There is no reason to rinse chicken at all and I don't recommend it; rinsing potentially spreads bacteria all over the sink, faucet, backsplash, adjacent counter, etc.. If you're dead set on it then those areas should be cleaned well after rinsing. Since it is utterly unnecessary, why bother?
So do you just pat it dry after unwrapping and then prep? Do you rinse pork after taking it out of the cryovac? At this point the only meat that I hadn't been rinsing was beef.
Yup. I pat dry then prep. Ditto for every other meat.

Except for possibly contaminating your sink and surrounding area, rinsing does nothing of value.

The narrative at the link you posted teems with erroneous information. I do use vinegar as a bactericide on surfaces - but it must be used straight, not diluted.

Cooking properly takes care of pathogens, if that's the concern.

