Rib Rack or Laying on the Grate?



TVWBB Member
Have you noticed any appreciable difference between using a rib rack or laying the ribs directly on the grate?

Can two racks of spares fit comfortably on the 22" grate?

I've been using the rib racks up till now, but I figure that winter is a time to rethink comp procedures.

The only time I use a rib rack is when I need the extra room. You can easily fit 3 racks of spares (or BB) flat on each rack in your 22" WSM. I have added a middle rack in both of my 22's so I can smoke 9 racks flat. If you take an additional rack and turn it upside down on the top rack (the handles will hold it up) then you can put 3 more racks on there for a total of 12 at a time.
I would avoid using a rib rack for competition bbq as the rack often will mess up the uniformity of rub/bark on the top side of your ribs.
Since this is posted in the competition section I presume you plan on, or have, competed. Definitely lay flat. Couple of reasons IMHO. You go to all the trouble of putting your rub on the ribs and then you set on their sides. Where is all the flavor going as it runs off the side? And then by putting one side down it will cook differently than the top side. You want consistent heat on the rib. For home smoking, do what ever is easiest for the quantity of ribs you have.

I cook exclusively with a rib rack on an 18" wsm. There is no way I'd get three full slabs in there any other way.

Yes, you do gank up your rub here and there, and you do have to rotate them so they cook more evenly, but out of the three racks, I'm only picking 6 bones to box up.

The fact of the matter is that well cooked ribs win. When I over cook the ribs, they tank on both tenderness and taste, and when the tenderness is on, so is the taste and I do well.

Cook them however you want, just make sure they are tender but not FOTB

