Rib question


Chip D.

New member
I am smoking St. Louis style ribs on my 18.5 today and have a question about cook time for the trimmings, which will be on the bottom rack. I know they are done when they are done, I am just looking for an approximate time for planning purposes. I am using SYD recipe. Thanks.
Bottom grate is not the best for trimmings since you gonna pick em up earlyer then the racks. Depends on how thich they are but i guess a little over half cooking time. And if you dont wanna snack on em...Add them to a chilli or a bolognese.
I usually take them off half way through the cook. Usually I pull them off the smoker and debone the meat and cut into little chunks. Vacuum freeze into 1.5lb portions and throw it into the freezer. Next time you're making a chili, cut open the bag and let thaw in the cooking chili. Try it...you'll like it!!!

