Reusing lump.....Or is it smoke wood?



This has bothered me for a while now, so it's time to ask. Here's an example:

My last cook was ribs, using Royal Oak lump and apple wood chunks for smoke. As usual, there was a fair amount of unburned, so I put the fire out, saving the charcoal for the next cook. Today, I'm cooking a brisket and want oak for the smoke wood. When I stirred the used charcoal to knock the ash from the last cook off, I noticed there were some identifiable chunks of unburned apple wood remaining. The problem, though, was there were a few chunks that I couldn't tell if they were from the apple wood or the lump charcoal. Not a big issue on this cook, but in the future I'd rather not have say, hickory burning when I'm using cherry on some poultry!

Anyone have any tips on how to identify what is unburned "lump" and what is simply charred but not fully burned smoke wood?


I've run into that problem before as well. I also don't know how to identify which is which.

I just set aside and later use those questionable pieces when I am direct grilling and don't mind a little smoke flavor on a steak or whatever.

