Replacing bottom pan rails on old Genny 1000


Michael William

TVWBB Member
How should I go about replacing the aluminum rails underneath. I haven't tried yet but I'm sure the screws are either stuck or are going to snap off.
How have you guys gone about replacing these?


I soaked them with PB Blaster and gripped them with a small pair of vice grip pliers and then heated the boss with a propane torch and VERY gently wiggled them back and forth until I felt them loosening and then I kept wiggling and unscrewing them until they came out, you have more screw head to work with than I did, but it is a crap shoot whether they will loosen up, I got them all out but one and I had to drill it out. When I put the new screws in I made sure to coat the threads with Never Sieze. Good luck!
Well, since you haven't tried yet, give it a try. I have rebuilt 4 of these grills now and they have always come out OK for me and they all looked like yours. I would not apply enough pressure to possibly break them off as from others who have broken them off it is a major problem. I would apply normal pressure to remove them and if they don't turn do what Ed above suggests. Good luck.
Alrighty. So I gave it a try just to see what I was working with. Put the socket on a gently moved it and bingo. The bolt head snapped cleanly off. I knew that was going to happen. That thing basically disintegrated.
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Whoops, sorry. Should have kept my mouth shut. But if it broke off that easily probably nothing would have saved it. I think the problem with drilling them out is the screw is harder than surrounding aluminum casting. hopefully the screw is corroded so much it will drill out easily.
Drilling out the broken screws is tricky,I started by using a spring loaded center punch to mark where to drill and started with a smaller than the screw drill bit and SLOWLY drilled the starter hole and made larger holes as I went, it is a pain to do but you can be successful by being careful and patient, good luck.
Except for the brilliant idea of using a punch to guide the first bit, I did exactly what Ed did, and it does work.

Patience is the key.

Also, be patient.

Finally, take your time.

Good luck!
Huge to get 3 of four out, great work!!!!

Try getting the fourth out with vise grips / any technique possible before resorting to drilling.

Best of luck, but celebrate the 3!!!!

Oh, and in case you are unaware, when you order new rails, they come with new bolts.


