Replacement parts for WSM 22.5 - water pan



New member
Are replacement parts only available directly from Weber?

Today I was looking for a new water pan for a 22.5 WSM (yes... I was being lazy and it is just nasty now) and I looked both at Amazon and went to a Home Depot and struck out.

Call them, they may not replace it. If they do they will charge you and it may be expensive. I would try and clean it. Soak it in very hot water with dish soap for about an hour. Change the water and resoak again until all the grease is loose then take a 0000 steel wool pad and scrub. Hope this helps.
Thanks Jo! That is what I was kind of thinking. I do have some PBW from home brewing that might help with that too I guess. Hadn't thought of that before.
Spray it down with a good heavy coat of oven cleaner and let it sit over night. And then give it good scrubbing and it will be like new again.
My water pan is also in need of a good cleaning. I meant to wrap it but alcohol can make you do dumb things....
Spray it down with a good heavy coat of oven cleaner and let it sit over night. And then give it good scrubbing and it will be like new again.

This has worked for me. You can't hurt the porcelain on the pan. Oven cleaner and 0000 steel wool are your best friends. Keep us posted on your progress.

