repairing a charcoal ga


George Curtis

TVWBB Olympian
so the ga that pat sent me was bent. i've been putting off fixing it cuz of other issues but also because i over think things. so all this talk and fustration finally got to me. so i went and found my rubber mallet which was a project in itself and beat the heck out of the ga body. dang ! the sucker is straight ! a little loss of porcelain but nothing that will take away from the ga and cooking. so now i'm cleaning it with oven cleaner and then a bit of scrubbing and then adding the new parts and i'm good to go !
in the process. no before cuz it would be hard to really see anything. so most will be after. probably a day or so.
just so there is no confusion, i knew that the ga was in bad shape and had no handles. and that pat did include a brand new grate so i'm way more than happy how its turning out.
spent the day cleaning the ga and tweaking things. i should have it done monday. if i have time i will do a "break in" smoke.

Looks good, care to send it down to socal?

What the advantage of this grill compare to smokey joe?

Where's the before shot?

no, ya need to get yer own. this is my preciouse ! no before pics cuz most of the damage etc would not show up well in a pic. not sure yet how it compares. will know soon. but i'm thinking that the cga might be a bit better to use. but no way 'am i getting rid of my sj's.
How many GAs do you have now, George?

I haven't used mine in awhile...I should fire it up this weekend for some sort of meat product.
three gassers though one might become an electric one as it needs some parts so its like a parts doner. two charcoal though one will neverer be used as its a "c" and never been used.
That's b@d@ss george! Excellent work!

I don't think I've ever seen a photo cook from you. I was wondering if you ever really grilled. Now that we all know that you do grill and can shoot and post photos, there is no excuse not to post up some of your spam cooks!

Now if we can just get AJ to post a cook!
Kaz wrote, ' Now if we can just get AJ to post a cook!"

I see how it is, you've been hanging out with Brian.. OK,I'll get some pics up of a cook.. My problem is, I'm usually busy putting the food out and by the time I realize it, were eating.


