REheating Whole Pork Butts

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Bruce Bissonnette

After tonights cook I will have 6 whole pork butts refrigerated that will need reheating Saturday morning.

If I reheat in the oven at about 250 or so to 165 degrees how long will that take approximately? Or...any other suggestions on time and temp would be appreciated.

It would be far simpler and faster overall to pull them first. They will get to refrigerator temp faster (a good thing), and the pulled meat is easy to reheat. Plus, you can add a little rub when pulling while still hot to get more flavor to the inside.

Do you think I screwed up. I put four pork butts, at 155 degrees, triple wrapped in foil, into the refrigerator at 6am. I checked them at 10am and they were at 86 degrees.

I have since pulled them from the fridfge and am reheating them in the oven at 300 to get to 165, at which time I will pull them and place them back in the fridge.

What do you think? I hope I haven't screwed this up.
If the reheat is taking place in tightly-sealed heavy duty foil, you will probably be fine. To insure a moist product when you reheat the pulled meat, a 1/4 cup per pound of whatever-- broth, apple juice-- in the pan with the meat should be helpful.
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