Reheat my butt!


Rick Kramer

TVWBB All-Star
Hello folks! I got a question for y'all. I'm serving some butts and brisket at a party tomorrow. I started cooking last night and I'm prepping, wrapping, and cooling today. I'll reheat tomorrow just before serving. Here's where I'd like your opinions or advice: Although it's easier to go ahead and pull and slice the meats today and reheat tomorrow ... I really do believe that the products taste much better if they are pulled and sliced just prior to serving ... I'm talking minutes. To do this I'll need to cool the butts and briskets whole today and reheat them whole tomorrow. I'm thinking around 250* for two hrs. for meat that is wrapped in film and foil and is at room temp or slightly cooler. That sound about right?

One more thing .... should I slightly undercook the meats (mainly the brisket) so that when reheating in film and foil it doesn't get overcooked?

Thanks for any suggestions.

I wouldn't do the reheating of the butt as you indicate. The problem, I believe, is the liklihood that in reheating the entire butt so you can pull it, you may overcook and dry it out. On the otherhand, I've never done it that way so perhaps it won't be a problem.

As you know, briskets are more prone to dry out than butts so i suppose pulling at a lower heat would make sense.

Hi Paul. I've done it this way before and it works well. The only issue I've run in to is not the fact that the butts dry out but that they start to get to that mushy stage if left on too long. I was just trying to fine tune the process. Thanks for your input, it's really appreciated.

I don't undercook either one.

I suggest separating the large muscles of the butts so that they cool faster. You can do this, or not, but the meats should be cool before wrapping and chilling. (They need not rest for hours post cook, btw, 1 will do.)

I reheat at 300. A slow come-up is not needed. I do not wrap in plastic. I either reheat butts foiled, or I put the butt muscles (or whole) in a pan with a splash of moisture and cover tightly in foil. Brisket I always reheat whole, on a rack, drizzled with a stock-butter mix, in a pan, tightly covered with foil (but not pressing down on the brisket--tented so that there is air space). Briskets I reheat to a 145-150 internal and no higher. Butts I take higher so if I am doing both I put them in much sooner. (Having the butt separated into muscles speeds heating.) Factor in the pulling time as well so that if using one oven the brisket doesn't go in too soon. Brisket maintains better if the internal is not allowed to get too high as this means it will start cooking again.
Thanks Kevin! That's exactly the info I was looking for. Man, you are the best!


