Refurbished my Summit 450


Chris Allingham

Staff member
I bought my Weber Summit 450 about 10 years ago, and at the 5 year mark I did some refurbishing. This weekend, I did a major refurb and clean-up. For about $70, I got the 4 stainless burner tubes and 2 crossover tubes, plus the 2 igniters. Pulled the old parts, did a thorough cleaning inside, popped in the new parts, then did a deep cleaning on the outside. Used 0000 steel wool with 409 spray on the porcelain enamel coated hood and stainless steel spray cleaner on the work surfaces and lower cabinet. It looks great! Ready for another 10 years of service.

That was a very satisfying project. If you've got a Weber gasser that needs some TLC, I strongly recommend you get on it. You'll be happy you did!

I bought a Weber Genesis EP-330 roughly 16 months ago, my first really nice gasser. It got it's first "Real" bath a couple of weeks ago. Up until then it just got scraped out and wiped off as needed. I love that grill, I hope it last as long as your Summit.
Just read this thread and will say that I had about the same upgrade to my Summit 450 this spring. The unit is 12 years old and still amazes me on how it is just like new. The temp gage is still accurate and I can get the unit up to 700 degrees in the summer. Six hundred plus on cooler days.

I have added grill grates (which I recommend) so I am not going to replace the flavor bars. The only downside to this is that I need a new cover (finally) and from Weber they are over 100 bucks because of the size of this unit. I did see one at Home Depot that would fit a 180" grill, but wanted to measure the Summit before buying it. I think it might fit.

I live along the coast in Maine and prior to this grill I was buying new ones every few years with the salt air destroying them. This unit has stood the test of time and shows the quality of Weber products. It still gets a lot of use.

