Red head for 2000 Silver B?


Jim C in Denver

TVWBB All-Star
I have a green lid Silver B vintage 2000. Was thinking of swapping in a red lid from a donor grill.

What exact Genesis models would provide a proper fit for my Silver B? What is the story on handle inter-change-ability?

I might put the green lid on the donor and then turn that into a rehab project grll to give to one of my kids. Or maybe just take the red lid for my Silver B.

While I really like my current grill, I've just always wanted a red head. If I could add a red lid, I might dye the Silver B knobs, end caps and handle black. Or maybe red?

For example, there's a $50 dollar red head genesis with the wood handle and wood slats in my area. Could I just take that lid for my current grill? And use the Silver B plastic handle?

Thanks in advance, JC
Most lids from the mid 80's Genesis 3 burners through 2005 Genesis silver/gold B/C grills should fit your grill. If you have the Silver B handle that is flat, then yes it should transfer over to the red Genesis with wood. That is a Genesis 1000.

Here is a photo of my latest rehab. It has a Genesis 1000 lid on it, but it is a Genesis Silver C (2004). And that handle is actually from an earlier version of the Silver series.

20200717 Genesis Silver C - Brown Head with cabinet (2).jpg

